As the $17 billion Software As A Service, or Saas, industry continues to expand, so do the number of systems your business uses. And the more systems you have to manage the more complex your internal operations become.
This results in what’s known as, “multi-system chaos”. Left unmanaged, it will destroy your business from the inside out because it eats up your time and money.
So, let me ask you… is your business suffering from multi-system chaos? Let’s do an exercise.
Write down all the different systems you and your staff use in your business. Everything from your CRM to your accounting software to where you store your files. At the API Guys, that is 64 different pieces of software and counting.
OK. Now, think about how your staff interacts with each software system. How does information get from one to another? Is it automated or done by a person?
For example, you may use Infusionsoft to manage all your marketing. But your sales team works out of a different system to manage their pipeline of hot leads. So they have to add them to Infusionsoft once they become a customer.
Wasted Hours… Missed Opportunities… Stop the Madness!
Have you thought about how many hours your people waste copy and pasting information from one system to another?
Here is another example …
Maybe you use Infusionsoft for e-commerce and QuickBooks for your accounting. Or you manage your appointments out of one system and have to hand input information into My Day in Infusionsoft. These are common pain points that you can and should automate.
How many opportunities do you miss and how many balls do you drop every week because your systems don’t talk to each other like they could?
And it’s not just your customers who suffer. It’s also your staff. Employees who work in chaotic or business environments are not happy. They get frustrated at all the complexities and “workarounds” they have to do just to get simple tasks done. And their frustration results in poor customer service and high staff turnover for you.
There’s got to be a better way, right? Well, there is.
How the Infusionsoft API Resolves Multi-System Chaos
Unfortunately there’s no “one” system that will run your entire operation. Infusionsoft is the closest thing, but it still has its limitations. So the reality is you will always be working out of multiple systems.
But this does not mean you have to accept multi-system chaos as a way of life. No way! Instead you can make your systems talk to each other through the Infusionsoft API.
When we build Well-Oiled Machines, we design them with Infusionsoft as the central automation engine of your small business. Then it needs to talk to all the other subsystems … And that’s exactly what the Infusionsoft API allows you to do.
How We Can Help Your Systems Talk To Each Other
If you are tired of dealing with multi-system chaos, then we should talk.
Your job, as an entrepreneur, is to create maximum leverage, recover every iota of wasted time, aggressively reduce risk and drive the hell out of the ROI on Infusionsoft.
And that is exactly what happens when you work with us to create your own version of The Well-Oiled Machine.
Let’s make it happen right now
The next step is a 30-minute consultation call with me, Kim Snider, to discuss the details of your business. Maybe you already have a specific project in mind. Super.
Or maybe the project is bigger. You have a big goal in mind. You want to save time and make more money so you can spend time on something that is super important to you. But you just don’t know how to get there.
Either way.
Fill out the form below and tell me what you’re thinking. You will receive an automated email that contains a link to schedule a 30-minute initial consultation. On the call, you and I will get acquainted and figure out where to go next.
One of my mantras, from Mark Sanborn, is, “If you keep doing what you have always done, you shouldn’t be all that surprised if you keep getting what you have already gotten.”
Another is Einstein’s quote, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
So, if you want to transform your business into one that allows you to make more money and lead an amazing life, fill out the form below so we can get started.