Kim Snider is an award winning entrepreneur, having built one of Inc Magazine’s fastest growing privately held companies in America (2008, 2009) by leveraging what was then cutting edge technology in creative ways.
direct 803-281-0455 | email
Andrew Wills and Kim Snider have been working together on various projects and in various capacities since 2005. Once, while giving a speech at a very high tech theater, the projected image on the huge screen behind her began generating weird random colors and patterns. Kim watched in awe as Andrew rushed to the stage, opened a trap door, dug down in a snake pit of wires, started stripping and splicing them with his bare teeth and, just in the knick of time, victory was snatched from the jaws of defeat. In that moment, he became her Technology Superman and has been ever-since.
Robin Simkins is a skilled leader with more than 20 years in strategic digital marketing. Simkins is so brand loyal she’s been using the same face lotion since 8th grade. She is prone to hyperbole but really, really means it. Her ping-pong skills defy the obvious; she projects tall when she’s on the phone and will leap pretty tall buildings to bring The API Guys the same level of notoriety enjoyed by that kid from ET. When in doubt, she consults a Magic 8 Ball and hopes for the “without a doubt” triangle. As the chattiest team member, Simkins would love to personally connect:
direct 312-208-2086 | email
Recently, while discussing the young Mr. Rodrigues, our CTO was heard to exclaim, “His future’s so bright, we have to wear shades!” And while Carlos may not be old enough to remember that song, or know how badly we just murdered the lyrics … true dat!
Seriously, he is amazing and we are sooo glad he is leading our development team.
direct 201-259-3110 | email