<?php // Connect to Infusionsoft require_once("isdk.php"); $app = new iSDK; if ($app->cfgCon("connectionName")) { // Current date in Infusionsoft-friendly format $currentDate = date_format(date_create(), 'YmdTH:i:s'); echo "You connected at $currentDate <br/><br/>"; // $fname = 'Dritte'; // $lname = 'Dawg'; // $email = 'dritte@kimsnider.com'; // Assign POST variables using ternary operators and IF statement if ($_POST['Id']) { $conID = $_POST['Id']; } else { $conID = ($_POST['contactId']) ? $_POST['contactId'] : ''; } $eventDate = ($_POST['eventDate']) ? $_POST['eventDate'] : ''; $tagDate = date_format($eventDate, 'Ymd'); // 20131220 Event Registered // Dump to file $file=fopen("kim_log.txt","a+"); fwrite($file, "n $currentDate n"); fwrite($file, "Id: $conID n"); fwrite($file, "Event Date: $eventDate n"); fwrite($file, print_r($_POST,true)); $file=fclose($file); // Find the ID of the Event Registered tag for this date $returnFields = array('Id'); $query = array('GroupCategoryId' => 31, 'GroupName' => $tagDate.'%'); $return = $app->dsQuery("ContactGroup",1,0,$query,$returnFields); // If a matching tag doesn't exist already ... if(!isset($return[0]['Id'])) { //Create the tag $tagText = ' API Mastermind'; $tag = array('GroupName' => $tagDate.$tagText, 'GroupCategoryId' => 31); $theTag = $app->dsAdd('ContactGroup', $tag); // If it does exist ... } else { // Grab that tag's ID so we can use it $theTag = $return[0]['Id']; } // Whether we found it or created it, now we set it $set = $app->grpAssign($contactId, $theTag); } else { echo "Not Connected..."; }
How To Check If a Contact Has a Tag
$query = array(‘ContactId’ => $contactId,
‘GroupId’ => 1133);
$contacts = $app->dsCount(“ContactGroupAssign”,$query);
echo “
"; print_r($contacts); echo "